Saturday, 8 February 2025

Warmaster Winter Warmer 2025 Game One - Chaos v Lizards

For some years I used to run a regular Warmaster Event at Warhammer World called the Warmaster Winter Warmer. The last one was in 2009. With the arrival of regular Warmaster gaming at the Soldier Shack with Alan and Andy, we hatched a plan to stage an event of our own - and so the Winter Warmer was reborn. Alan sorted out a venue, the excellent Sanctuary Games in Sutton-in-Ashfield, Andy handled the money gathering bit and I did some promotion and ripped off adapted the splendid Wormaster event pack. With that we were set.
Our plan was that if we had an uneven number of gamers on the day we'd take it in turns to sit out a round and do the admin, but as it happened all seventeen people who had signed up arrived, so we all got our three games in. Result.

My first game was against Rob Palmier and his rather lovely original GW metal Lizardmen army, so with my Chaos it was to be an all old school, original models game. I vaguely remember Rob from the old WM circuit of years gone by and it's pretty likely we've played before but if we did it was a long time ago and neither of us remember. I do know Rob's a very experienced and good player - so I didn't have any high hopes of victory.

The Chaos lads. I had mostly taken two of everything - a "Noah's Ark" list as someone described it.

My general was on the Dragon with a Sword of Might. We were using the King is Dead rules - whereby if your general dies you get to roll to try and have another character take over, instead of the game immediately ending. Also in the last scenario any units killed by your General counted double VP - so it made sense to have him tooled up.

Rob's lovely Lizards.

The Skinks rapidly ran forward and secured an objective.
The tables had scenery on very kindly provided by the estimable Paul Winter - but this did mean there was slightly more than I usually play with, and so I began to regret having quite so much cavalry in my force.

I sent my dog brigade off to secure an objective.

The Cold Ones moved up.

As always with Lizards the leadership bubble around the Slann makes for a big solid centre.

I sent the Chariots and Knights crashing home

And threw in the General.

The Slaan looked on implacably.

I had some initial success, but at some cost and the Lizards held firm.

The Skins were secure in their terrain.

My attack had become rather broken up.

The Lizardmen closed their trap and enveloped the Chariots.

The other Chariots were stymied by Mazdamundi's Revenge (marked with a bead)

The knights too were caught in the flank.

The General could only look on.

Reluctantly the Saurus left the safety of their swamp and charged the Warriors - it was that or be charged.

The Dragon Ogres having failed to get going moved to threaten an objective.

The Slaan had foreseen all outcomes...

I was hoping the warriors would come good.

The dogs still held an objective.

Bad news for the Knights as they find themselves in a sandwich.

The general went to try and help

As more lizards threatened the central objective.

The Warriors however were now caught in the flank.

And Rob was able to pull his Cold Ones back to capture another objective.

The Warriors were unable to dislodge the Lizards from the rough terrain.

The Dragon Ogres were pushed away from the objective in the centre and it was seized by the Lizardmen.

And with that the battle drew to a close - Rob was even able to snatch the objective that my faithful hounds had held all game!

A comprehensive win for the Lizardmen. Mazdamundi's Revenge blunted my attack at a couple of crucial moments, some poor leadership rolls also threw my plans into disarray, but mostly I was comfortably outplayed.

Oh, just found some bonus phone pictures:

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