Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Warmaster Revolution - Daemons v Dark Elves

Flush with excitement after Winter Warmer the previous weekend Andy came over for another game of Warmaster. He brought his tournament Dark Elf list and I picked out some Daemons.

I hastily turned the results into a video

So busy were we having fun and playing at speed that I didn't take many photographs!

The first turns on both sides passed in a haze of failed orders and blunders. Malekith executed one of his underlings before promptly rolling a double six himself.

We were playing a scenario where the battlefield is covered in mist for at least the first two turns, reducing range and charge distances. Which made for a challenging game.

Eventually the Khorne Daemons got to grips with the Elf spears but were then in turn charged by Dark Riders

The Daemon General looked on.

A large block of Daemons occupied some ruins.

As Elves lurked in the pine forest.

The Dark Rider left flank stalled on a hilltop.

But the Daemons too were lost in the fog.

Especially the flyers.

Eventually the Dark Riders cantered into some hounds as the fog lifted.

And an almighty scrum broke out in the centre.

More Khorne Daemons were dragged down by Elf spearmen.

Another Dark Rider brigade charged more Khorne Hounds.

The fight in the centre saw Malekith just hang on and then turn the tables.

The Khorne hounds threw back the Dark Riders but couldn't kill them all.

In the end Malekith managed to kill the Tzeentch Daemons, netting him a win by the narrowest of margins!

Great fun game and the mist scenario made for interesting challenges.

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