Friday, 21 February 2025

Midgard: Early Saxons v Late Romans

Our Chain of Command campaign over, General Ballroom and I travelled back in time to the Early Medieval period. He was interested in trying Midgard and I have both armies needed for a trial game.
He took the Saxons as I figured their straightforward charge approcah wuld better suit someone new to the game, as well as playing to General B.'s strengths.

The first turn saw missile troops on both flanks push forward and the usual desultory exchange of shots.

My Pedyt had the Reluctant trait and so I burned through a fair few mighty deeds holding the Romano British line firm.

Gemeral B.'s Saxons took a cautious approach.

As the Late Romans closed the gap.

After initial moves the armies were still a fair distance apart.

The British leader urged his men forward.

With the Saxons holding back I took the initiative and charged.

However the barbarian line proved a tough nut to crack.

And soon youthful Saxons were charging my poor Pedyt.

The British centre collapsed and Saxons poured through.

Their leader slain the Late Romans were easy meet for the hardened Saxon raiders.

A great learning game. My initial charge was easily thrown back and the Saxon follow up proved devastating. My Leader was even cut down by a humble Saxon champion!

Great to get the toys out and General B. is now eyeing his Punic Wars SAGA forces with an eye to expanding them to Midgard sze.

Here's a few more images

1 comment:

  1. A great choice of period and rules. Lots of photos to enjoy too. I hope Generla B continues to enjoy Midgard. A win always helps one get into a new ruleset. So clever strategy by you?
