30 more points - almost at 100 now for my Goblin Army!
Just in case anyone was wondering the images, words, crap jokes and all the other bits of content on these page remain my copyright. You don't have my permission to copy them or post them anywhere else on the web. This includes you Tango01 you thieving shitweasel.
Wednesday, 31 January 2024
Warmaster Night Goblin Archers
Tuesday, 30 January 2024
Monday, 29 January 2024
Warbases - or should that be Wafflebases?
So Warhammer: The Old World requires your models to be on different sized bases from the ones that were used in previous editions. Well, actually it doesn't - there's even a paragraph in the book to explain that you don't, however the intent is that they're on different sized bases.
Fortunately the estimable chaps at Warbases have produced a solution - sabot bases to slot your models in to.
Half way through our game on Saturday a knock on the door heralded the arrival of parcel
The familiar yellow and red Warbases logo
The redolent smell of freshly lazered MDF
Simple enough - just pop your models in the slots
I went for an 8x3 for the spears, but I got a 6x4 as well - I'm not sure which will be right
The extra space actually makes ranking up the pistoliers easier. Though one is still seemingly determined to shoot his colleague in the chest.
These will work just fine for my purposes.
They'll need some sand and grass adding, but effectively they're just another movement tray (rather irritatingly rendering my existing movement trays unnecessary).
Someone on the Book of Face was alarmed that such rigid shapes would limit my ability to make maximum use of the nuances of manoeuvre, reforming and exploiting the arrangements of my troops to maximise their efficiency in the game. I had to explain to him that although I appreciated his concern I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about.
Sunday, 28 January 2024
Warhammer The Old World Empire v Warriors of Chaos
Although there was some back and forth with chums during the build up to release there was never really any doubt I was going to get the new Warhammer rules when they came out, and so it proved. I resisted the FOMO attempts of the pre-ordering hype and simply walked into town on release day and came home with the thee books - Rulebook, Forces of Fantasy and Ravening Hordes.
Kenton and I had already agreed we'd try and have a game the week after release to see how it played and what we thought. So he bought over his Chaos Warriors, I dusted off the Empire and we set about things.
Sadly my sabots from Warbases to make my 20mm bases become 25mm bases didn't arrive in time so we just agreed we'd fudge things as we went along. Much of Kenton's armies have been on bigger bases for a few years (as the more recent GW releases have slowly grown in stature) so we've been doing this kind of thing in 8th anyway. The book also says rebasing isn't necessary unless of course you're one of those deviants who play in official GW Tournaments. Hilariously the postie delivered my package from Warbases about half way through the game - but we were committed by that point!
People looking for insight and comprehensive analysis of the new rules have clearly never met me, nor read this blog before. It's mostly pretty pictures of soldiers in this post as per usual. I might do a post later in the week with my thoughts on the rules, but apart from a few asides there's not going to be much of that here.
Expectations managed, here's the eye candy and pithy comments.
We went for a 2K pitched battle to ease ourselves in.
Simple table, six bits of scenery (as the rules suggest) - hills, woods, fences and a swamp.
However it was all over and the field belonged to the Dark Gods!
That was good fun. It took a long time to play - Kenton and I play slowly anyway, but there was inevitably a lot of looking things up and checking of rules and the like. Also I think it *is* a slower game than the last edition - combat especially lasts a lot longer, or so it seems.
There's plenty to like about TOW and a few things that are "ho-hum" but it's all Warhammer and that's always the BEST game, whatever flavour you play.