Friday, 28 February 2025

Warmaster Revolution: Daemons v. Daemons

Alan and I set about playtesting a new scenario for possible use at The Summer Sizzler. He bought his Daemons and I fancied using mine, so we had a Clash of Chaos on our hands.

I managed to make a video of this one

But you're not here for the silly moving pictures, you want static images and my witty* comments, no?

I pushed up my angry red dog column on the right flank

My angry red Daemons, shielded from all that famous Daemon shooting by Nurgle Swarms ambled slowly up in the centre.

And the Pink Cavalry hugged the other flank.

Large Nurgle Hordes shambled forward a bit.

Big Nurgle monsters too lolloped up.

Sneakily I landed some flyers in behind to make life tricky. And the Nurgle advance duly stumbled a bit.

I'd secured the central wood.

Nice and safe amongst the trees with all those Daemons infused with magical flames...

My Greater Daemon got a bit stuck in the open and got another Greater Daemon in the face, along with some buzzy bees in the side. This proved fatal.

Some Nurgle Daemons went gardening

Others bimbled about a bit - Alan's command dice were unkind.

More bimbling

As you can see - he's getting a right shoe-ing.

I manged to clear most of my enemies on the right, with the help of instability.

My dogs took on the Gardening Daemons but bounced off.

However I'd seized the sacred artefact

My cavalry ailed to rampage home on the flank, leaving their cute little Slaaneshi butts rather exposed.

Which proved altogether too tempting for Papa Nurgle.

The Daemons with the artefact were attacked in the flank.

And the front.

And more of Nurgles Rotters attacked the cavalry.

The dogs had another go in the field.

The Khorne lads dropped the objective.

Unwisely the Slaanesh Daemons charged their foes behind a hedge.

The middle was a bruised and battered mess.

But I was pressing home against the Nurgle hordes.

Another attempt to kill off another unit was defeated by an intervening hedge,

The right flank remained mine, mostly.

The battle for the muddy field ground on

The 'nettes lost this one and bounced away,

However the start of turn instability phase saw another of Alan's units snatched away and I was granted a win before he could charge home and finish me off!

Great fun game. The scenario needs a little tweaking, but I think it can be made to work.

That''s the end of a run of losses for me, too. Which is nice.

Here are some phone pictures too

*for a given value of witty

Monday, 24 February 2025

Lion Rampant Wars of the Roses

General Ballroom and I have both independently been collecting Wars of the Roses forces - me for Midgard games, he for games of Lion Rampant that he's been playing with Aly Morrison and others

So, searching for something to fill a gap as we prepare for another Chain of Command PSC we decided to get our forces together and play some Lion Rampant ourselves.

A simple 24 point affair across a river crossing.

I had only foot troops, so this was a bit of a shock!

Plenty of green and white, seems we'd both bought Lancastrians with us.

My green clad archers.

The (hard) core of my force.

Preparing to loose.

First blood to my stout lads as an archer takes one in the eye.

The yellow and blue blokes grabbed the hedge while the infantry went on a flank march.

On came the enemy.

Seems unwise to halt midstream with all that shiny armour on.

Oh dear. General B.'s knights seemed impervious to the famous failed activation rules that usually plagues them in LR.

With billmen wasting no time in crossing the stream too.

However skilled archery saw the leader of the force plucked from his horse early on.

Whose flank would see the most success as my lads were now bearing down on enemy archers too?

The knights crashed home, but were being whittled down.

The archers were thrown back, but casualties were light.

Meanwhile the Men at Arms were amongst the archers, who were overwhelmed and broke!

More shooting reduced the knights to half strength.

....and then I forgot to take any more pictures!

My green archers were wiped out, however the blue and yellow fellows managed to destroy the knights and hold off the advancing billmen. Meanwhile my men at arms destroyed the other archers across the river. When my blue and yellow archers killed the remaining billmen the game was up and I had secured the win!

It was a great game, just the right level of brain taxation for General B. and I, so we decided that we're going to give the short five game campaign from the Lion Rampant 2 rule book a go. We both have all the troops we need, although I'm at Hammerhead next week and may take the opportunity to add something new to the collection...

Here's a few additional phone pictures too (that run out at the same point!)