Wednesday, 15 January 2025

Xenos Rampant - Orks v Templars

Matt fancied "a light skirmish something" and I had left out the jungle and the 40K models, so a game of Xenos Rampant seemed to fit the bill.

My mostly Berserker Ork boys were soon swarming around.

Jump Pack Marines stood ready.

As Sword Brethren pushed up.

Da Ladz got ready to rumble.

And were soon pushing up in the centre.

The Marines tried to attack, but the Orks counter-charged!

Marine shooting thinned the Nobs a bit.

Another mob swarmed over the hill.

As boys rumbled through the jungle.

At this point it looked to be the Orks for the taking.

However they had reckoned without Brother Captain Tiktaks who pulled the strings, stealthily concealed in the depths of the jungle (with his huge, glowing, buzzing Thunderhammer)

The Orks did well at first, easily hacking apart the Marine squads, however Marine shooting proved deadly up close and the Orks were ultimately shot down and the Marines claimed the win.


  1. Looks great. I enjoy seeing the XR games.

  2. Nice -- we are scheduled to play Xenos Rampant soon, too!

    1. It's a jolly little system. Wouldn't want to play it *all* the time, but it gives a fun fast game
