Thursday, 23 January 2025

40K Orks and Templars again

Before he returned to University the Gaming Heir and I played a last game of 40k.

I dug out a Trukk this time for da Ladz.

And the gloves were off - I bought the 'naught.

Which was fair enough as he had the filthy contraption known as a Land Raider Crusader. As well as sticking lascannon on his Dred.

He'd got a fair few marines as well, lurking in the jungle foliage (or follidge, Terrain Tutor fans).

The field of war.

High Noon.

Ok, Big Red Guy, draw!

*Good the Bad and the Ugly Sound effects*

Elsewhere the Orks were making good progress towars the Templars in the bunker.

Peaceful, harmless grots enjoying a quiet day out with their massive gun about to have their day ruined by sneaking up marines.

One lot of Orks down to a single Nob.

Look, no Grots.

Stick da boot in Ladz!

Innocent Grot blood on their hands the merciless killers swoosh on.

The Dred and Crusader managed to take out my 'naught and despite the Nobz opening up the Crusader like a Kan o' Spam the marines had secured the objectives and it was a win For The Emperor!

Fun times with the lad. Silly rules, but the models and jungle look cool.


  1. Those marines are definitely merciless killers. At least your troops looked good.
