These have been painted for ages - they just needed basing.
Just in case anyone was wondering the images, words, crap jokes and all the other bits of content on these page remain my copyright. You don't have my permission to copy them or post them anywhere else on the web. This includes you Tango01 you thieving shitweasel.
Tuesday, 26 December 2023
Monday, 25 December 2023
Sunday, 24 December 2023
Saturday, 23 December 2023
Warmaster Daemon Army
While photographing the recently completed Daemon Character I decided it was high time to take a picture of the entire Daemon army as it stands.
These are all original GW metals. Some painted a long time ago, some more recently.
The whole army, Daemons of every hue!
Friday, 22 December 2023
Swan Knight the Third
A third Swan Knight reaches the fields of battle
There's still more in the bag to come (and one mint in blister too)
Thursday, 21 December 2023
Pikeman's Lament four player game
Chum Chris has been building a large ECW collection so he invited a few of us over for a pre-Christmas skirmish using Pikeman's Lament rules.
Thee were four players, a rather lovely scratch built sconce and a scenario based on grabbing artefacts scattered about the board. Looting basically.
Unfortunately I only had my phone with me so the rather poor pictures don't do justice to Chris' great set up.
The peaceful hamlet of Much Piddling
Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Another old metal model crawls from the pile of shame.
Pretty quick and easy - Vallejo Sepia wash doing the heavy lifting.
I've got quite a force of mounted Orcs and unridden Wargs now.
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Warmaster Tzeentch Daemon Character
My daemons need some more characters, so I threw some Contrast paints at this one
Monday, 18 December 2023
Rangers of Gondor
We needed these for the game earlier in the week.
Sunday, 17 December 2023
Saturday, 16 December 2023
Lord of the Rings Campaign: Ambush in Ithilien
Next game in our campaign. Time to get the big beasties out with not one but two Mumaks!
As the forces of evil I had command of the two nellies, whilst General Ballroom had a ragtag assortment of Rangers and heroes to try and stop my stately swaying progress across the board.
A screen of Haradrim screened the beasties
A weird and slightly predictable game. The Mumaks seem almost impossible to hurt and so just wandered across the board unmolested.
General B. realised there were far better tactics and deployment he should have made use of. We haven't p;played for a while and anyway are old and infirm and find it difficult to remember lots of detailed rules. However for this scenario to work he really needed to take advantage of some of the special skills and rules for his troops.
So we decided that ebcause it looked so good and we'd really not got the most out of it the answer is to play it all over again in a few weeks time. That'll hopefully be much closer and less of a procession.