Thursday, 20 March 2025

Pict Command

Project Pict actually finished way back in Pictober last year. Apart from adding some banners and a few shields that is, which I promised myself wouldn't take long...
The banners are still WiP on my laptop. But I got fed up and added shields to this pair who don't need a banner to finish them off!

Intended to represent a Level 2 commander in games of Midgard - that's why there's two of them on the base.
Not that easy to photograph with the way I've posed them.
Very jolly First Corps miniatures


  1. A nice addition. I'm experimenting with command bases reflecting command level for Midgard. Seems like a good idea. How do you mark when the leader takes a wound as it doesn't look like the second figure is detachable unless your wargames get very violent!
    Apart from recognising friends I wonder why the Picts had this design of shield. Was it good for parrying?

    1. I'll probably just put a wound marker of some sort next to or on the base. I thought about including a dice frame, but decided for only one or two wounds a D6 was unnecessary.

      No-one really knows why the Picts had this design of shields. One theory is that they somehow used the "gap" to catch spears and shelds and then twist them out of their opponents grasp.
