Kenton came over for a Goblin v Goblin battle.
His hoppers crested the hill
And his Manglers bounced around in the middle.
My Spider hordes stood ready
More of my eight legged fiends.
And some big Trolls lurkin' at the back.
I also had squigs, and a captured Dwarf rock lobber.
In true Goblin style we ran at each other.
The template was a spell that blocked line of sight and was impassable.
The bouncy brigade came on.
Boingy went careering into the Trolls.
While my River Trolls took on the Mangler.
Got some spells off on the Big Red ladz though.
My other spiders raced round the flank.
The spells were helping the Trolls against the Manglers.
Boingy however was felled by the Trolls.
My spiders had dealt with the enemy squigs.
The Big Troll mob crashed home into some harmless archers.
And the Hoppers joined in the attack on my Trolls.
Fanatics went spinning around - largely to little effect.
The Hoppers tipped the balance, my Trolls were killed and next on the menu was more archers.
My Blue Spiders first made some goblins flee by hitting them in the flank, byt they managed to reform - which was bad news.
The Fanatics at least held up the Troll Mob.
Green spiders also found units of Gobbos tough going.
The Hoppers thumped into a big unit of Night Goblins.
As the Trolls murdered ever more archers.
The last Hopper fought bravely on.
Green spiders had enough and scuttled away.
Somehow the archers overcame the Trolls!
And the Hoppers were vanquished.
But the Manglers were munching the last of their little brothers.
As I prepared to attack the remaining enemy unit, night fell and the battle drew to a close.
A narrow win for Kenton, but a great fun game.
Some extra phone pics