Thursday 3 October 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Chaos v. Empire

I persuaded Matt to take me on at Warmaster, with him using my Empire (he's waiting for Wargames Atlantic to release command models and then he'll have a Nippon army) and me using Chaos.

The Empire right flank bean with a blunder, leaving the howling flagellants looking down and mumbling something about being a bit scared. 

But the crossbows formed a strong central bastion.

As the knights pushed forward.

With Death Chicken in tow.

In return the Chaos forces pushed up on the left.

I had high hopes for the chap on the dragon.

Which proved misplaced as his flank stalled.

Weirdly an Empire wizard teleported into my back field.

What cold he be up to?

Oh, I understand. Still he's got to actually cast it...


Fortunately the fireball caused only minor disruption. Meanwhile the Chaos Knights killed some Empire knights then withdrew a bit battered.

Their footslogging equivalents failed to charge home.

 These guys would be hard to shift.

In the centre things had stalled a bit.

But the Harpies caught pistoliers in the flank!

Dragon Lad was still struggling to get things moving.

And then with a whoosh and a roar he suddenly wasn't strugging.

The Empire Knights found their Chaos enemies a little hard to overcome.

Only the Blazing Sun knights survived.

Dragon Boy continued his rampage.

But had overreached himself.

Its a sad day when handgunners kill your dragon.

The Chaos foot were mopping up the right flank.

Driving back the Blazing Sun knights.

Which allowed the Chaos knights to thunder home into unprotected crossbowmen.

With inevitable results.

The game was up for the Middenlanders!

A hard fought win for Chaos. As I know only too well Empire as a mixed arms force is tricky to use in Warmaster, whereas the Chaos forces are very much "point and charge"

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