Monday 21 October 2024

Partizan Pictures (1)

As is my wont I strolled around at Partizan taking a few pictures on my breaks from helping as one of Mr. Morris' Chums.

I didn't tend to stop and chat, because I didn't have much time and most tables people were already engrossed in conversation. In fairness these days, especially at Partizan most gamer hosts seem to have got the memo about remembering to talk to punters - which is a clear improvement, but does often mean you have to join a queue if you want to chat to someone!

So I'm afraid these are very much in the way of context-less and explanation free eye-candy.

WW2 - I think this was the First Corps D-Day break out game

ECW by the looks of things.

ACW for definite.

Back of Beyond - who doesn't love some air support?



More of the same

More air-support - lovely stuff.

I'm assuming this was some sort of "XXX Corps try to get to Arnhem" game.

These wee definitely purple - as the rest was so beautifully created I'm assuming this was historically accurate - presumably to attract the attention of more waves of fighter bombers.

At first glance I thought "Indian Mutiny"

But on closer inspection it was Crusader era Lion Rampant. 

Seven Years War or similar - lovely big blocks of men in tricorns waving colourful flags.

An infantry assault on a redoubt full of cannon seems unlikely to go well to my untrained eye...

Love;y stuff. Must. Resist. Tricorns.

So that's the first batch of pictures I took - all really high standard games with truckloads of beautifully painted models.

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