Another three way fight with my chum and his son. I took the Khand forces again against Orcs and the men of Minas Tirith, Each force had to try and get as many of their models off a distabt board egde - which inevitably meant a big pile up fight in the middle!
Poor quality phone pictures I'm afraid...
I sent my cavalry off round a flank to do harassing cavalry stuff.
I took Khamul to lead the force, but he just seems really expensive and doesn't do much. Maybe I should actually read the rules or something...
Soon the Orcs and men were duking it out.
I stood back and peppered them with arrows
However when the time came Khandish axes proved surprisingly effective against Minas Tirith armour.
In the end I squeaked a win by dint of getting one more model off the board!
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