A couple more Beja that I came across in the assembled and undercoated pile.
Skin tones make them dashed tricky to photograph.
Just in case anyone was wondering the images, words, crap jokes and all the other bits of content on these page remain my copyright. You don't have my permission to copy them or post them anywhere else on the web. This includes you Tango01 you thieving shitweasel.
A couple more Beja that I came across in the assembled and undercoated pile.
Skin tones make them dashed tricky to photograph.
The battered and bloodied remains of the Fellowship have arrived at Amon Hen, only to be attacked by Uruk Hai trackers led by Lurtz himself!
Can Mr Frodo make it to the boats, will Lurtz ensure Sean Boromir endures the typical fate of characters played by Sean Bean?
We played this game back in January as a one-off, so it was going to be interesting to see what happened in the rematch, especially with a depleted Fellowship.
Gimli came a running from the corner as Uruk archers surrounded Aragorn and the Ringbearer
Another three way skirmish. I took the recently painted chariot and Khand horse for a spin, with inevitable dire results.
Just a few low quality phone pictures
MY Easterlings face the men of Minas Tirith over the warming embers of a fire.
I got this lovely Footsore model as a freebie a while ago with an order I did. TBH I'm not sure my order was big enough to qualify, but they threw him in anyway - thanks guys!
I don't have a Welsh army (though I'd quite like one, one day) but I started throwing some paint on him a while ago. And now he's finished.
I kept up my excitement/momentum for these four and (with the able assistance of Contrast Paints I got them finished.