Sunday, 24 May 2015

Scots Greys (1)

Started work on the Perry Scots Greys.

After cleaning up (which was laborious. God knows I love the Perrys and their models, but their casting really is a weak link) I based them on some Warbases oval bases, added some sand then gave them a blast of grey (well, durr) primer.

Then I've given them an overbush with Astronomican Grey.


  1. Nice looking horse flesh. I've enjoyed seeing your terrain, something I woefully lack, and your battle reports.

    1. Thanks Sean, hoping to get back to some actual gaming soon.

  2. Agree on the perry casting. Lots of cleaning up needed on lots of models. :-(

    1. No excuse for it really. I picked up some models from Northstar this week - clean as a whistle. Very small mold line to just scrape away on one arm.
      Perry ones are like going back twenty years in terms of casting quality.
