And to make my life more complicated I decided I'd do a Step-by-Step guide to how I painted him.
So if you want to know how went from this:

To this:

Read on...
I started wth a black undercoat and used Citadel colours throughout
Stage One

Sleeves and half shield: Scab Red
Metal Areas: Badab Back wash
Stage Two

Armour edges and half shield: Catachan Green
Beard Bindings and sleeve turnback: Snakebite Leather
Flesh: Tanned Flesh
Boots: Scorched Brown
Stage Three

Shield Edge and design: Shining Gold
Beard: Bestial Brown
Stage Four

Flesh: Dwarf Flesh highlight
Armour edges and half shield: Catachan Green/Kommando Khaki highlight
Sleeves and half shield: Red Gore overbrush
Beard Bindings and sleeve turnback: Chestnut Ink wash
Shield Edge and design: Chestnut Ink wash
Beard: Devlan Mud wash
Boots: Scorched Brown/Bleached Bone highlight
Stage Five

Sleeves and half shield: Blood Red highlight
Axe edge: Chainmail highlight
Flesh: Dwarf Flesh/Elf Flesh highlight
Axe haft: Chaos Black
Beard: Snakebite Leather highlight
Then I based him with sand which I washed with Brown Ink, before drybrushing Vomit Brown followed by Bleached Bone and then added some static grass.
Overall I'm pretty happy with the result.
Painting and photgraphing Step-by-Step is, however, a pain in the bum.
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