Saturday, 7 December 2024

Warhammer The Old World Triumph and Treachery

Stephen achieved a grand old age recently and so we celebrated the only way we know how. By playing toy soldiers.

We enjoyed many great games using the T&T rules for 8th edition, so we've persisted with them for our The Old World games. Not everything quite works, but we fudge our way through.

I took Daemons and Chaos Warriors, Kenton had Goblins and Skaven, Kieran took Warriors and Dark Elves and Stephen had Orcs and Beastmen.

My scantily clad....errr...ladies...skipped forward, accompanied by Fl'i'mo the Helflayer

Sadly I had the scary Beast/Greenskin combo pointed at me from the right.

I pushed the allied Warriors out in front

Big 'Un Boarboys, ulp.

It wasn't much better on my other flank with a large quantity of Chaos Knights and warriors pointing in my general direction.

The Dark Elves hoisted their skirts and ran up the hill

Kentons Squig horde crashed home

As the "girls" faced off with the Warriors.

The Beastmen began worshipping the upright pink monolith.

All hail the purple tipped obelisk!

Scary men from the Frozen North.

A big old line o' bacon

I expect the Lawnmower of Slaanesh will make short work of them.

Commence sausage making!

Sadly, that isn't how it went...

Fiends crashed into the beasts.

As the Warriors brought the pain.

Not sure where the Fiends have gone - probably a result of the unnecessarily complicated melee resolution rules that have added so much joy and pleasure to The Old World.

With the lawnmower back in the shed to have it's blades re-sharpened it was time for the Big Lad to get involved.

The 'nettes were still hanging in there.

Now it was the turn of the Dragon Ores to rub themselves against the rigid pink shaft of Slaanesh.

Not sure quite why I was fighting *all* of Stephen's army and most of Kieran's too.

Oh look, some Squig hoppers, that'll even the odds.

At least the Mangler was munching some Chaos.

Fiends back at the beastmen again.

They clearly like the feeling of a long pink monolith.

Can the 'nettes get there to help their ruler?

This will end well I imagine.

Fiends disengaged again.

Mangler versus Hellcannon, the classic match up.

I'm hanging in there at this point, though I think the big lad is dead.

However flying boarboys to the rear meant I was down to just the fiends and the game was up!

We let Stephen win as it was his birthday. I came last by a distance, but Warhammer, as always was the winner.

And now some random phone pictures

Happy early days

The ride tide washes over the Chaos hordes.

Boing, boing, munch, munch

This is a great model. I might have to get one.

'nettes. Not as good as Warriors.

Worship the pink shaft of Chaos!

Recently painted model syndrome about to strike.

Fiends and Beasts.

Hanging in there

Wait, what, boars in my backfield?

All that remains of the Daemons

Stephen victorious!

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