Whilst tidying up some files recently I cam across some old pictures that predate the creation of this blog.
So I thought I'd share them.
These were taken way back in October 2007 at Wrhammer World in Nottingham. The Age of Arthur supplement for Warhammer Ancient Battles had been published not long before and the supplement's authors Steve Jones and James Morris staged a themed campaign weekend (as part of a larger Warhammer Historicals weekend). This was I think the first ever historical wargaming event I took part in and it was one of the best too.
I can't really remember much about the details of the games except that they were great and in one of them, possibly the first, my Warlord and my Opponent's Warlord both died simultaneously in a duel in the river before the game began.
These first few I think are me playing a warm up with Rob Broom's blue Late Romans on Friday night before the event. I'd barely played WAB at all before this, so wanted a practice and Rob and I were both at GW, so it was easy to pop through from Bugman's with a pint for a game.
Looks like James Morris Partizan Green T shirt in the background. And it's *possible* the tattooed elbow belongs to Jim Sweeney as it is one of the laws of me going to any WAB event that I *will* play Jim at some point during the proceedings.
Imagine that, a whole weekend of gaming!