Martin came over for a game of Dragon Rampant. We both fancied something quite "light" rather than restart our dormant CoC campaign so this fitted the bill.
Martin took his collection of venerable metal Wood Elves and I took my plastic, but-starting-to-get-on-a-bit-even-if-it-seems-like-only-yesterday-actually-it-came-out-16-(SIXTEEN!!!!)-years-ago collection of Skull Pass Night Goblins.
Neither of us having played for a while we just did the basic stand up fight scenario.
Apologies for the low quality pictures - I used my phone camera and the natural sunlight in the Soldier Shack didn't help.
In the peaceful Goblin Village of Stinky Bottom peaceful Goblins go peacefully about their peaceful business
When suddenly the sound of horns fills the air and vengeful, violent spirits of the forest appear with murder in their hearts!
The Elf general urges on his men from horseback.
They have also awakened an evil spirit of the forest. Look at his malicious face!
He bought some Twiglets with him too.
The Goblin forces were roused to defend their tranquil, harmless homes.
Holding aloft their pointed sticks they made to see off the pointy-eared intruders.
The elves galloped forward. Though the treeman was still dozing - he clearly needed some hobbits to come along and rouse him from his slumber. Nothing quite like a hobbit for getting wood aroused.
The venomous spider riders whizzed up the flank.
And poured shot into the elves.
In retrospect they should have charged them.
The pointy stick brigade bogged down a bit in the centre.
The elf wardancers caught the spiders as they tried to flee, with painful consequences.
The Big Branchy Bloke finally roused himself and bore down on the Goblin general.
With inevitable consequences.
Consequences made more inevitable by me misreading the attacks of the goblins. The result was never in down, but Ol' Branchy may have been a bit more damaged...
The trolls, rather too late to help their leader, got involved.
Over by the village the archers took a bit of a beating.
The Trolls however were seeing off the Big Tree.
And having felled him headed for the centre.
Over by the village, lucky arrerz saw off the Twiglets, but more elves were incoming.
And as night fell only the archers remained alive. Their peaceful brethren slaughtered, but their village remained unburned.
Victory to the Wood Elves.
This was a lot of fun. Pleasingly retro with the miniatures. Dragon Rampant is a very enjoyable game with just the right balance of complexity with simplicity.
We should play it more often.