Thursday, 30 June 2022

Warmaster Middenland Halberdiers

Another unit all in blue to join my Empire army of the North.

Again, all hail the power of the Contrast Paint!
Inching towards 2,000 points

Wednesday, 29 June 2022

Warmaster Middenheim Crossbowmen

Some more for my burgeoning Empire army.

Mostly Contrast paints, which speed things up no end

Original GW metals that have sat in my lead pile for nigh on twenty years.
Next up, some halberdiers

Friday, 24 June 2022

Warhammer 8th Edition Orcs v High Elves 2400 points

With the Daemons stalled  in their attempts to invade Ulthuan we decided on a different match up.

I dug out the Greenskins and went all Orcs (plus some trolls and a giant).

2400 points and the diagonal deployment scenario

My "plan" was to try and swamp the Elves with bodies - hoping enough of the lads made it through the arrow storm to do some crumpin'.
A plan that was ded cunnin' I'm sure you'll agree.

Gruzzkup's Waagh lined up ready to go. And then won the roll to go first! One less round of shooting!

There were quite a lot of Elves waiting patiently, stood well back.

Good to see the Phoenix Guard again.

Some of the Elves had done whatever the Elf equivalent of "castling" is - cottaging? - in a field.

The lads were ready to rumble!
Then Gruzkup failed his animosity test and he and the Trolls went nowehere.  Sigh.

Some badly placed chariots allowed a unit of Ellyrian reavers to roll them up and set them all a fleeing!

But the right flank surged on.

Sadly the swordmasters surged out to meet them.

While the rallied chariots caused something of a car park in the centre. The giant meanwhile had been Withered and then shot to death.

Oh so slowly the Waaagh lumbered forward.

While the remaining Reavers made a nuisance of themselves.

The Phoenix Guard waited. Quietly.

Finally one of the chariots thumped home

As did the Black Orcs.

But the Guard were waiting.

And the Black Orcs duly fled.

But another chariot and the Orc Boys started a crumpin'

And then my camera ran out of power and the Orcs won a great and mighty victory, thanks to my cunnin' plan.

Oh wait, hang on I've got some phone pictures...

The spear Elves came to the rescue...

And soon it was down to Gruzzkup and the last Troll to win the day



Despite Gruzzkup himself smashing the puny Elves hw was then forced to make a takrikul withdrwul whne the Phoenix Guard tried to charge his flank.

He rallied, but was then surrounded!

And inevitably it all ended in a hail of arrows.

Bit of a better game with the Orcs and more points.
But the High Elves are fundamentally broken against all bit a few armies (Chaos Warriors, Dwarfs, Dark Elves) all the others will be first murdered by weight of bowfire before being finished off with always strikes first and re-rolling misses.

We finished up by musing again on some sort of reset of WFB for ourselves that just strips out all the special rules and gets back to a cleaner, simpler game....
Maybe one day SteveandTomHammer will see the light of day.

Sunday, 19 June 2022

Warhammer Daemons v High Elves Game Four - Dawn Attack

The Daemons had another go. I think the Dark Prince must be getting fairly fed up with them by now... 

1600 points of 8th edition Warhammer once more (as I still haven't won) with the scenario where you dice to see where your blokes turn up.

I had two blocks of Daemonettes.

The elf archers secured themselves a nice little hedged enclosure, The hedges count as fences because (so the scenery rules tell us) there are NO hedges in Warhammer!

Filth. Or Phoenix Guard as they are sometimes known,

Sea Guard.

The pale purple hordes moved up.

Closing on the Sea Guard

The Fiends went in. And suffered. But they softened up a bit.

The Furies were sent to distract and slow down the Swordmasters.

The Phoenix Guard silently went to work.

Demonstrating that just 3 points extra a model completely justifies them being better in every measurable way than Daemonettes. 

The other unit of 'Nettes managed to pick on a slightly more reasonable target and dealt with them - though at some cost.

The Masque grew weary of foxtrotting and, with the last remaining Seeker charged the elves in the field.

The Phoenix Guard, silently chuckling to themselves about how under-costed they are, turned to join the fight.

The swordmasters hove in to view.

This resulted in the depleted but triumphant Daemonettes attempting to charge the Swordmasters in the flank. They tried to flee, rolled low and were caught and wiped out.

Soon after this the herald miscast in successive magic phases, taking most of the few remaining Daemonettes and himself back to the immortal realms (where The Big Man wants a sibilant word)

As the trap began to close the desperate furies moved to  block the Phoenix Guard.

Meanwhile the remaining Daemons enjoyed their last few moments in the mortal realm tickling the captured Elf Standard Bearer until he squealed!

Then Steve shot them and the game was over.

I don't think 1600 points mono Slaaanesh is a good match up against High Elves. ASF *and* high initiative means what few advantages a Daemonete may have are nullified and the weight of shooting and magic means you're going in to combats depleted that you could barely win at full strength.
I think you need quite a lot of Slaanesh magic to have a hope and that means a DP or a Kipper - which you'd struggle to squeeze in to this points level.

I've enjoyed the games but it might be time to retire the Daemons until I've got a few more painted.