Wednesday 2 October 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Chaos v. Dark Elves

After a summer break Andy and Alan returned to the Soldier Shack for some more Warmaster. Andy reverted to the Dark Elves and I stuck with the Chaos.

Early deployments - I think I lost the scouting role.

I had a big wide block of Warriors backed with Marauders.

And a dragon commanding the Knights on my left.

The Dark Elvses had plenty of shooting. And some snow.

I had high hopes for this guy.

I also had more marauders, this time on horseback, backing up some chariots.

My general was in the centre.

Sadly my left flank didn't go according to plan.

Though my right raced forward.

And the lads stopped off to worship the Changer of the Ways in a handy nearby temple.

The knights suffered the consequences of a poor advance when Malekith urged the Cold Ones home! 
On turn one!

To audible gasps (from Alan) in the Soldier Shack, Malekith the General joined the fight.
On Turn One!

The dragons faced off.

With the advantage of the charge the Cold Ones easily murdered the Marauder horse.
But found the Knights somewhat tougher to chew on.

In an attempt to claw back the initiative the Charits rumbled and squeaked home.

Turns out charging Blot Throwers can be a bit painful.

Meanwhile the Warriors caught the Dark Riders and the harpies swooped to form The Buttocks of Death!

The Dragon Ogres decided to try and rescue the Knights.

But sadly failed to live up to their reputation and the Cold Ones moved to try and close the trap on the Knights.

Unfortunately for the forces of Naggaroth, Cold One Knights are not as resilient as the Chaos variety and so they were soon cut down and their General with them, gifting the game to Chaos!

A jolly good fun game that I rather felt Andy lost than I won. I did offer to play the King is Dead! rules to continue, but as he pointed out he was only a single unit away from breaking anyway, so it was unlikely to go much farther. 

Chaos are tough and simple to use and I'm beginning to remember why they are the army I used to play "back in the day"

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