
Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Warhammer Empire Army

Over the last few months, spurred on by our Empire Civil War I've finally painted up a 2,000+ point Empire army that I've had marinating in the Lead and plastic pile for many, many years.

The advent of Contrast Paints has been a huge boon for this project. The bright colours work well for an Empire army and compensated for my slow painting speed.

My army, inspired by the original 4th edition versions is a "polyglot" affair assembled from multiple states. I know the fashion these days is for a single state colour scheme (and nothing wrong with that) but I've always liked the idea of troops from across the Empire coming together to face a common enemy, so mine are in a whole variety of colours.

I've shared some of the units as I've gone on and some of these have featured in the past as WiP's but here's all the ones I finished off and tarted up to get the army finished. Quick and dirty pics, so not always showing off at their best either. Anyway, excuses done...

First up pistoliers. I hate pistoliers when Stephen uses them against me. So these are painted in the blue and yellow of Nordland to match the colours of his army. They're the Old Perry metal models, and a bugger to rank up.

Fire Wizard. I've experimented with some of the others, but as a simpleton I keep comimg back to Mr Fireball. Old single piece plastic model I think originally for Talisman or Heroquest.

Amber Wizard, or whatever they're called these days. This one does double duty in my Kislev army.
Another classic plastic.

And finally the Jade (life?) version.

You'll find the Grey Wizard here.

Crossbowmen. These are the "hybrid" kit with metal arms. A proper bugger to stick together and very prone to pinging apart if knocked over. 

You can find a matching unit of swords hammermen here.

Knights. Some of these were painted many moons ago for our Sigmar's Blood campaign.
But I added a few more and finished off the General.

Speaking of whom...
Built from the sprue in the 6th edition starter set plus a hammer from the Mordheim hairy head sprue.

And continuing the 6th edition theme some Hochland handgunners.

An Ostland mortar - from the plastic kit

And matching cannon. Though in this case the cannon is an old metal one.

And more handgunners. In an alarmingly bright blue of Middenland.

And finally some Militia - again originally for the Sigmar's Blood campaign.

There's a still a unit of spearmen to show, but they need a flag and I'm struggling to get it painted.

So the army as it stands consists of

General, Standard Bearer, Wizards (assorted), Warrior Priest

30 Spearmen, 24 Swordsmen, 10 Crossbows, 2x12 Handgunners, 20 Militia, 18 Flagellants, 10 Archers, 6 Pistoliers, 11 Knights, Cannon, Mortar.

I think I need a break now but I'd like to add another decent sized unit of infantry - halberds probably - some more characters, more artillery and...and...


  1. They look grand, I like the different regional colours for the army.

  2. Really nice to see my Empire army languishes in the box at the moment one day perhaps they will venture out ?

  3. Looking good and liking the range of uniforms (I went with all one colour scheme and kinda regret it, so I'm adding more variety these days). Particularly nice work on the wizards
