
Monday, 18 April 2022

Warhammer Triumph and Treachery in Lustria

Stephen and Kenton (from Lenton) came over to the Soldier Shack for a game of Warhammer Triumph and Treachery. We were supposed to have the regular Good Friday Massacre but late family plan changes meant that didn't happen. Sorry Keiran.

As a result this was a bit more sober than some most of our Bank Holiday games. 

We used my jungle terrain and the Lustria rules from the End Times Thanquol book for a bit of variety.

1200 points plus 300 points of mercenaries.

I took Daemons (Slaanesh and Tzeentch) with some Dark Elf allies.

Kenton (of Lenton) had Daemons with mortal allies (or possibly the other way around) Khorne and Nurgle varieties.

Meanwhile Stephen had Dark Elves with Tzeentch Daemon allies.

Quite what we were all doing in Lustria only the gods themselves know.

Kenton faithfully promised not to attack me. As he always does then. Then set up close to me with his whole army pointing at mine. As he always does.

Anyway. I went first and attacked Kenton - figuring it was better to get it all over with.
Blue Fire vapourised a Khorne Daemon. And gave them regeneration.

Soon after a nasty roll on the Daemonic winds of magic saw my Dark Elf sorceress evaporate and a rampaging Herald of Slaanesh appear in my deployment zone.

The Khorne Daemons advanced.

The smoking remains of my sorceress.

Meanwhile the Druchii also headed for me. I am always the filling in the sandwich.

Witch Elves! Yikes!

The Horrors managed to miscast and burst into flames!

The ladies spied an inviting flank and sped into the Bloodletters.

While my Elven allies awaited their brethren.

The ladies made fairly short work of the Khorne Daemons, but sadly didn't kill them all.

And so took Plaguebearers in the flank.

An attack which surprisingly they survived and turned to face the Nurgle lads.

Toward the centre I sent the Fiends in search of cavalry.

The Nurgle general attempted to charge the Horrors. Needing only a four to rumble home.


The Nurgle and Slaanesh Daemons went toe to toe, or possibly hoof to claw. Or something.

A second attempt saw the Nurgle hero hammer home.

Another miscast immolated more horrors.

While the Dark Elves tightened the noose.

Despite flying over and flaming from assorted Daemons the Dark Riders  held firm.

Dark Elf clash!

My Daemons are few now in number.

But still hanging on!

The Dark Elves, having dispatched their brothers and sisters rampaged into the Nurgle hero, robbing me of victory points!

And with that time was up.
My failure to kill the Dark Riders was the difference between winning outright and a tie. Though given Steve's army was largely intact and mine...errr...wasn't - a tie is generous to me.

Great fun game that went at a reasonable pace and had plenty of action.

Hurrah for Warhammer!


  1. Wow, lots of demons of all persuasions. Colorful game, to say the least!
