
Monday, 2 May 2022

Warhammer 8th Dwarfs v Orcs 3,000 points

Another Bank Holiday meant another chance for a big (ish) WFB game.

Sadly Kenton (from Lenton) and Keiran weren't available for some more T&T so it was left to Stephen and I to play. We toyed with various plans, Storm of Magic, 4K points, but in the end with both of us suffering Old Man Hangovers (they last for days!) we went for just the 3k points.

Straightforward line up and fight job - I took the Dwarfs and Stephen ended up with Gorbad Ironclaw and his Orc hordes.

Throndin Groznog led forth the Groznog Hammerers.

The clan Thunderers lined the blazing barricade.

The Clan Warriors flanked by their shamed and suicidal brethren were determined to wrest back control of the local brewery.

Gorbad had come with plenty of Boarboyz.

And Orcs (and a few weedy Gobbos)

The field of War (hammer)

A spectacular miscast from the Night Goblin shaman saw the hammerers hit early with a nasty big spell.

It did also result in the demise of said Shaman.

The Thunderers kept up a hail of shot

Whilst the Slayers marched off forlornly but hopefully.

As there was both a Giant and a massive spider on the left flank the Longbeards turned to face the threat. While the bolt thrower twanged ineffectually.

The Orcs came on.

The slayers rushed off to do what they do best.

While the big spell wiped out the hammerers and took a few Savage Orcs with it.

The Slayers went toe to toe with the Greenskins

With inevitable results.

Rangers dealt with the Snotling Lawnmower.

Throndin, all alone, took on the Savage Orcs. And saw them off!

Longbeards took on Orcs, Ironbreakers fought giant. I'd have preferred the other way around TBH.

The spider picked on some harmless Quarrellers

With the slayers having fulfilled their oaths it was left to the Warriors to deal with Gorbad.

The giant whiffed his break test, ran away and was cut down.

Nom, nom, nom.

The boarboys were going down, but so were the warriors

The Night Goblins failed an animosity test and charged the Thunderers.

The Orcs had finally got into contact with the flame cannon.

That dealt with, they took on the miners

The big spider decided to try his luck against the Ironbreakers - the lawnmower fell just short of joining in.

The miners were going down slowly.

Having finally munched through the warriors Gorbad was in back field but with no-one left to kill.

The spider dead the lawnmower finally made contact. And was chopped into kindling.

The Night Goblins failed another animosity test, caught more miners in the flank and chased them off too!

And with that the game ended. A narrow Dwarf victory came at some cost. The miners chased off by Night Goblin archers will doubtless be queuing up to replace the lately deceased Slayers.

Great game. I have to say that I think I won more because of "late book syndrome" than much skill - the Dwarfs have a *lot* of special rules and advantages that make them a tough match for anyone, never mind the Orcs which was one of the first books released for 8th.

Great to be playing Warhammer, big games are the best.


  1. Great stuff, a very enjoyable post.

  2. Nicely done as always, very tricky to get balance with the wide span of release dates for the army books, part of the reason so many fell out of love with WFB
