
Monday, 23 January 2023

Warhammer - Empire versus Chaos Warriors

The Warhammer drought is over! Kenton bought his Chaos Warriors to the Soldier Shack for a game of proper square based rank and flank Old World Warhammer.

The Empire forces assembled

Grim ranks of Chaos faced them

I was hoping the pistoliers would be annoying and distract the frenzied Chaos warriors.

The Wissenland Whitespears stood ready to sell their lives dear.

Whilst the Middenheim "Bluebells" prepared to rain down leaden death.

Gibbering fanatics worked themselves into a frenzy.

Khrone had sent some angry red men.

The Nurgle men were smelly and covered in flies.

Khorne Knights. Ulp!

Sorcerer on a big bluebottle

The Empire's finset artillery had been bought up to deal death on the evil powers.
Careful aim was taken, the fuse ignited and...

The pistoliers began running away, dragging Knights into the ideal position for a flank shot from the cannon.

The Knights of Sigmar's Blood cantered off to threaten the Chosen.

Saddly the shooting of the "Bluebells" had little effect on the Angry Red Men who clattered home.

The Nurgle warriors too crashed into the Empire line.

Fortunately the Grey Wizard had succeded in getting the Flagellants to be as strong as their leadership.

The Knights, truth to tell didn't fancy their chances much.

Some sacrifices of their brethren, quite a bit of pain from the Warriors, but S7 meant quite a chunk of Nurgle also bit the dust.

Unfortunately the Frenzied Angry Red Men overran the Bluebells, chased the pistoliers off the board and the resulting panic saw the Wissenlanders be rechristened the Brown Trousers as they too fled. Rather leaving a hole where the Empire left flank had once stood.

A small brave unit of Hochlanders took aim at the Khorne Knights.

Sadly magic failed the flagellants and the Nurgle Warriors continued to reap a heavy harvest of frothing maniacs.

The Empire core remained largely untouched, but was running out of support.

The knights girded their loins.

The Hochlanders continued whittling the Knights away.

At last the knights charged home.

The remaining Chaos knight did the same.

Faced with a threatened flank the Empire centre took to its heals.

The knights were being thinned.

Bluebottle buzzed about some more.

Pausing only to vomit bile on some defenceless swordsmen.

The Empire state troopers rallied.

But the jaws of the trap were closing.

Seeking death or glory the swordsmen charged home

The Militia tried swatting the fly.

As the crossbows took Frenzied Warrior to the face.

Roaring a challenge the frothing Chaos madman took on a hapless old man in a grey hat.

I have to say I rather enjoyed the clash of one of Citadel's newest, state of the art pieces of digitally sculpted beauty coming up against the altogether more old school charms of a mono-pose, hand sculpted piece of Perry craftsmanship,

Needless to say the new model won easily (just like in a White Dwarf Battle Report).

However the swordsmen were able to break through the Chaos line and race away to bring the tale of tragedy  to the rest of the Empire.

This was loads of fun. Warhammer is a great game. The Chaos list is very powerful and the Empire list is a tricky one to use, especially when packed with sub optimal choices like mine.
I played poorly and the winds of magic were always bad for me which didn't help. That and a cannon exploding turn one.

Kenton and I now have plans to play once a month or so now and I'm all excited about painting Warhammer. Hurrah!

1 comment:

  1. Always great to see some Warhammer getting played 👍
