
Sunday, 22 January 2023

Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game - Amon Hen

After an absence of around three years I finally made my way back to the Ilko Gaming Hut for some soldiers with General Ballroom.

We decided that Lord of the Rings would be a nice gentle way to start and picked on Amon Hen as a good game. There are at least three different ways of playing this scenario - in the (very old) Journey Book it was played as three separate games, the de Agostini part works (and White Dwarf) had a two part scenario but we went with the single game that features in the current iteration of the rules.

I took the Uruks and General B. had the Fellowship

At the bottom of the board, near the boats Borromir with Merry and Pippin was surrounded by Uruks, including Lurtz.

While at the opposite end of the board Aragorn was trying to rescue Frodo from another bunch or marauding Uruks.

Boromir tootled his horn frantically.

The Uruks closed in on Frodo.

Legolas (and Gimli) raced to the rescue.

Aragorn was soon in the thick of things. While a lone Uruk grabbed at Frodo!

He'd forgotten to put his ring on! But fortunately pushed the brute away.

Boromir was laying waste to Uruks, but Merry was knocked to the ground.

Aragorn was likewise massacring Uruk Hai, but they kept coming back...

The elf and dwarf started their headcount contest.

Four on one!

And the same at the other end of the pitch

Boromir was starting to take wounds and Lurtz lent his weight.

Down went the Gondorian hero

Meanwhile an invisible hobbit was ghosting his way toward the boats.

He's behind you!

Eventually Frodo hopped in to a boat and pushed himself off to safety.

This was a great fun game with General B.'s lovely collection. 

Frodo was lucky with the ring and I never got chance after the first turn to get a hold of him. Aragorn and Boromir were brutal in combat. However the Uruks did capture both Merry and Pippin and briefly had a hold of Sam, before Legolas shot the Uruk down.

We're now planning to play some more linked LotR!


  1. Great to see, obviously that time of year as we played a lotr battle yesterday 👍

  2. Some wonderful paint jobs on those figures.
