
Thursday, 29 December 2022

Xenos Rampant in the Jungle

Martin came over (I think this was before Christmas but time bends a bit at this time of year) for another game of Xenos Rampant. He was struggling to bring in Marines at 24 points so we went for 30.

We played a scenario - one where the Marines had a secret mission to fulfil.

We really do need some rules for the Spiker Plants!

Martin's Tangermarines (a name that's destined to stick) painted in double quick time using Speed Paints - they look great.

Assault Marines with jumppacks - we made them Mobile *and* Fly which makes them prohibitively expensive.

Klankenstein rumbled fowrad while the rest of the Orks, in rather un-Orky fashion skulked around.

Kalnkenstein looks quite handy with his many fighty arms, but is actually better at shooting in XR

Fortunately the flying Marines left him alone and jetted off.

In the end the game finsihed quite quickly ( a six rolled the first time we checked for turn end) and the Marines hadn't completed their objective of murdering my Warboss.

An Ork victory!

Xenos Rampant is a lot of fun - there are clearly nuances to explore that largely elude both of us as yet (and will probably remain so for me) but it's fun and furious.

Flyers seem hard to use. Was definitely worth using a scenario too.


  1. Replies
    1. I think Martin regrets calling them that TBF. The name is definitely going to stick.
