
Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Christmas 40K

So with both lads home for the holidays they insisted on playing, of all things, 40K?!?
I tried to suggest Xenos Rampant, or Frostgrave but no, 40K it was to be.

We've played three times so far with the Eldar claiming the two 500 point games and the Marines (and their Land Raider  Crusader) getting the win when we moved up to 750 points.
I was the Orks and came last in every game to no one's great surprise.

Some pictures:

Hammer Lad deals with Fire Dragons

Things not going well for the Gretchin crew

Renowned Warboss SantOrk Klaws made a festive return to the field of battle.

Despite being elite combat queens this did not end well for the Banshees.

All good fun games and 40K (at this scale)  not as horrific as I remembered.
There's an oddity that the core rules are all pretty clear and straightforward but absolutely every troop has a rule (and sometimes more than one rule) that modifies in some way the core rules. So nothing works exactly as described in the core rules. I guess the brains of adolescent (mostly) boys (mostly) love this kind of thing - but I find it all quite hard work.
But great fun to be playing with the boys - the True Spirit of Christmas.


  1. Looks splendid Tom.
    Agree about the profusion of exceptions to the rules, it's exhausting to keep up.
