
Friday, 20 November 2020

1st Corps Miniatures Romano British slingers

 I actually painted these for the Age of Arthur gaming day in Peterborough three years ago.

However they were a very last minute job and so were little more than undercoat, faces wash, done.

This weekend I spotted them and decided to drag them properly over the finish line. Bit of fettling of bases, some leather and metalwork and they look more presentable.

Available from 1st Corps/Curteys miniatures

Thursday, 19 November 2020

Perry War of the Roses Archers

Stephen has long been a fan of the War of the Roses.

However he's never found a rule set he likes.

While he's waiting for his bionic leg to power up he needed a project, so we decided we'd give Never Mind the Billhooks a try when the PLAGUE is over.

So I've got a bunch of Perry plastic War of the Roses troops to be cracking on with.

First up, some archers.

(just to prove I paint the backs too)

Lovely kit - easy to put  together and then paint up lovely.
My usual basic style these days - I undercoated in a mix of two browns and an olive green - then added base colours, followed by a Vallejo Sepia wash all over then reapplied the base colours as highlights.

Next step is to assemble some billmen.

Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Warhammer Dwarf Cannon

I painted this cannon ooooh, I dunno, twelve years ago. Plenty of blue in the wash to give a sort of steel effect.

Soon after I painted one of the classic wooden cannons from the Dwarf range, along with crew and as I didn't have enough of an army to ever need two cannon - this is where it stopped.

Until now.

Finally cracked on and painted the crew.

All from the Battle for Skull Pass boxed set.

The crew, especially the pointy fella,  suffer a bit from being one piece and are a bit flat. The cannon's a wee pop gun.

But happy to have them in the army.

Saturday, 14 November 2020

Frostgrave Ice Spiders

A couple of Reaper Bones spiders given the quick and dirty Contrast paint treatment for games of Frostgrave

Friday, 13 November 2020

Pendraken Portee and Desert Infantry

More work on the 10mm models.

A portee and a couple of bases of infantry.

Simple wash jobs for the most part.

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Plastic Afghan Ghazi Warriors

More models from the Wargames Atlantic plastic set.

I decided I wanted a unit of white clad Ghazi fanatics for my games of The Men Who Would Be Kings.

So I assembled these sixteen and sprayed them white.

Unfortunately my usually reliable Coat D'Arms wash separated  (I blameuser error - I failed to shake sufficiently) with the result they came our a bit pink and grainy.

I was too fed up to consider repainting, so did the best I could. 

They'll do at a distance.

Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Frostgrave Thaumaturge and Apprentice

I'm a sucker for a freebie limited edition model.

I'd just about convinced myself I didn't need Frostgrave Second Edition when Nic at Northstar revealed the rather lovely Thaumaturge Apprentice model you'd get with pre-orders. It coincided with needing some retail therapy, so I was in.

And naturally there's no point having an apprentice without a wizard, is there? So I ordered the matching model

They make a nice couple.

Only trouble is, now I need some soldiers to accompany them.

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Frostgrave Lamp (and Genie)

 You can't really have a genie without a lamp, now can you?

And here it is with the erstwhile contents

Friday, 6 November 2020

Pendraken Matilda and Mk VI tanks

I've been dabbling with some 10mm British desert forces for Blitzkrieg Commander.

I didn't have the rules so ordered the Pendraken starter British Desert pack. The models are lovely, but oddly the tanks are a mix of A13 (which stopped being used at the end of '41) and Grants (which didn't come in to service until '42) so you can't use them in the same force if you're being historically accurate.

I finished the infantry and the A13s (which I now realise I haven't shared here) and then ordered some Matildas and Mk VI which are a better fit for early war. I picked up the rules at the same time.

Simple basecoat, wash, drybrush method. I have bought the correct colours to do caunter, but haven't risked it yet...

I've also bullied Stephen in to collecting some Italians - so hopefully we'll get a game in once the plague has passed (2037)