
Thursday, 19 November 2020

Perry War of the Roses Archers

Stephen has long been a fan of the War of the Roses.

However he's never found a rule set he likes.

While he's waiting for his bionic leg to power up he needed a project, so we decided we'd give Never Mind the Billhooks a try when the PLAGUE is over.

So I've got a bunch of Perry plastic War of the Roses troops to be cracking on with.

First up, some archers.

(just to prove I paint the backs too)

Lovely kit - easy to put  together and then paint up lovely.
My usual basic style these days - I undercoated in a mix of two browns and an olive green - then added base colours, followed by a Vallejo Sepia wash all over then reapplied the base colours as highlights.

Next step is to assemble some billmen.


  1. Tom,
    Nice archers and I do like how the Perry Miniatures are easier to put together.

  2. Nice, I agree they're easy to put together and they paint up well!
    Best Iain

  3. Very nice work! I can highly recommend Billhooks... we're working out way through each major WOTR battle with them and they've stood up really well.
