
Wednesday, 11 November 2020

Frostgrave Thaumaturge and Apprentice

I'm a sucker for a freebie limited edition model.

I'd just about convinced myself I didn't need Frostgrave Second Edition when Nic at Northstar revealed the rather lovely Thaumaturge Apprentice model you'd get with pre-orders. It coincided with needing some retail therapy, so I was in.

And naturally there's no point having an apprentice without a wizard, is there? So I ordered the matching model

They make a nice couple.

Only trouble is, now I need some soldiers to accompany them.


  1. These look great. I especially like your painting and shading of the green coat.
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks James, its an advanced version of my usual basecoat>wash>highlight with basecoat in as much as I then added another highlight on top. I like to do this on "character/leader" models but it's too much like hard work on the grunts.
      I also used washes to match the basecoats (in this case Thrakka Green) rather than the "all over brownish" wash I use on less significant models.

  2. Yes I really like the apprentice figure, great work
