
Thursday, 17 September 2020

Warhammer: Doom of Belegar Game One

Stephen and I are playing through the Doom of Belegar campaign from the Thanquol End Times book.

It's a series of linked campaign games based on the old Underway digital supplement that we played through with our Greenskin forces a few years ago.

I am taking the role of the noble Belegar stout dwarf Lord as he defends his hold against the evil Queek Headtaker.

Each side picks a 3000 point army led by the two above named characters. Stephen has also taken the troops to make the special formation from the End Times book that makes the rats even friskier.

Scenario one is actually three separate games - your army is split in three and you play games in the tunnels leading the way into Belegar's hold. There are all sorts of complicated underground rules involving reduced ranges, gas and the sky falling in.

For the first game we were at The North Notts Palais des Jeux. A lack of suitable underground terrain (currently being rectified) meant we played on a sea of stars!

The rats had bought lots of slavey types, With slings. One of the rules of the campaign is that any slaves and clanrats killed return as fresh units when they're wiped out!

This army had both Ironbreakers and Warriors.

I deployed quite far back - not wanting to kill lots of rats and see them return. It was about three turns in before I realised I *had* to kill rats, lots of rats to actually win...

Ninja rats also showed up.

Clanrats and a Zappy Death Gun.

Fortunately the Grey Seer miscast on turn one, killed loads of rats and forgot some spells.

The Dwarf advance was slow and tentative.

Meanwhile the rats slinged and tried to Zapp.

Eventually the Ironbreakers had to kill some slaves. Which was not what I wanted them doing.

Meanwhile the clanrats took on the warriors.

All the Ironbreakers gradually whittled away to sling fire, flame thrower and general magical zapping. Leaving just the army standard bearer alive.

Then the slaves came back.

When we totalled up the points it looked like a draw. Then we remembered the Skaven had killed the Dwarf Army Standard Bearer. The rues aren't clear if you take a character as your general in these "sub" games but we decided that he counted as one, so the rats got the win.

Poor deployment from me meant I was always struggling to get points back.

On to the next game!

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