
Wednesday, 16 September 2020

Midgard in Middle Earth for Virtual Hereward

I have been remiss in updating the blog.

Lots going on, non of which need trouble us here. But plenty of gaming too. S expect a few updates in coming days.

First up a game of Midgard that James, Martin and I played to film for the Virtual Hereward Wargames Show organised by our chums at the Peterborough Wargames Club.

We've been fairly regular attendees at the show for a few years and so when they unfortunately had to cancel the physical show we decided we'd at least support their virtual version.

So a day at the Sherwood Soldier Shack followed by some excellent editing work from Martin saw us able to contribute the following film.

Of course not all the images I took made the cut. So here are the other shots I took on the day by way of eye candy. I'm not going to explain the game in great detail - you'll get a feel if you watch the film but also I've had several sleeps since then so can't really remember.

All told a very jolly day of playing soldiers with excellent company.