
Monday, 9 March 2020

Warhammer 8th edition - Dwarfs and Elves

The War of the Beard continues.
I left my camera in the house and couldn't be bothered to go back, so phone pictures for a change.

A variation on the pitched battle - lifted from One Hour Wargames - where the two armies must each seize a piece of terrain. In this case, two hills. With the added Warhammer twist that we'd dice to see what type of hill it was when we moved on to it.

The warriors of Clan Groznog assemble

The battle of Twin Peaks begins.

Hmmm, he's bought the filthy Swordmasters again..

And the shooty stabby blokes.

No Freezyflap this time. But the Dragon Princes have turned up.

The dwarfs grabbed the regular hill that looked like a Chaos Shrine.

The thunderers turned to deal with the Ellyrian reavers, who hitched their skirts and scampered away to their flank.

I forgot to take pictures for a while, but the Hamerrers murdered the Swordmasters for a change, while the spear elves took the hill.

Eventually, thinned by a poisonous wood, the Longbeards took the ordinary looking hill that turned out (inevitably) to be a Chaos shrine. The standard bearer wisely chose not to call on the dark gods.

The Dragon Princes proved to be a magnet for cannonballs.

But the Quarrelers were ejected from the hill.

Elyrian Reavers decided not to charge the Longbeards.

The Dwarf Warriors ground down the spearmen, but all in vain.

At the end each side held one hill.

But far more dwarfs lay dead then elves and so victory again to the point-ears.

Good fun game but i think I need to paint some other models for a bit of variety in the force....


  1. Game looks great - lovely models - maybe the Dwarves could do with a Gyrocopter though?

    1. I have one of those painted...
      Never really been able to work out how to use it, but yes not a bad plan. Would be good for killing Elyrian Reavers I reckon.

  2. Nice game Tom, I still think WFB peaked at 5th though ;)

    1. You are entitled to your (wrong) opinion ;)

    2. It's a statement of fact. Not opinion.
      You however are Wronger than Wrong Jack McWrong, winner of the recent 'Mr Wrong' competition.


    4. Yes, that's right. You are wrong.

  3. Great work and nice to see 👍
