
Tuesday, 10 March 2020


Ahead of Hammerhead on Saturday, six Wargs for the Dragon Rampant Middle Earth Third Age (that's Lord of the Rings - Peter Jackson style) game we'll be running.

Painted many years ago, but only based up today.

The game will be a simple, small points size affair ideal for younger gamers (or folks wanting a taste of the game)  to pass hour or so.
Elsewhere on the same table James will be running a much bigger First Age game using all his lovely models - or in fact three linked games as the Elves struggle to escape the clutches of the Orcs. Ideal if you want to spend a little longer rolling dice with us.
As it's Hammerhead both games are participatory, so do come and demand to throw dice if you're passing. Or just stop for a chat. We won't bite!
We're on table GA04 - handily placed by the cafe for bacon cobs.

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