
Friday, 23 August 2019

Chain of Command Campaign (7)

Hello TMP fans of colossal cockwomble Tango.

When we last managed to get Steve out of the way so General B and I could play Chain of Command (back in April!) the Americans were firmly on the back foot.

After a good hard probing by the Stug the German counterattack is firmly under way (in fact they're perilously close to the top of the ladder and ultimate campaign victory.

With my commander and my men's opinion tumbling I was in all sort of bother. Ballzimmer meanwhile rolled decently for support and decide to keep the narrative running by taking a Stug which could continue to drive on up the road.

My forces had fallen back on the hamlet of Boisclair

We started quite cagily. Apart from the ominous rumbling of the Stug engine.

One of my squads leaped into the house, aiming to use tht to blunt the German assault.

However Ballzimmer had other ideas and pretty soon his men had seized the crossroads and began to shoot the building up.

More Heer began to appear.

Whilst the house defenders began to regret their advanced and isolated position.

Twice the US Bazooka team emerged from ambush and fired on the Stug. The first time too hastily, blasting wide of the tank. The second striking home to take out an MG and add some shock.

But it was little use against that advancing grey tide.

Finally as the Germans showed their hand more Americans deployed.

However a lucky shot killed their junior leader - making things decidedly dicey.

The Germans leapt the wall and assaulted the small number of American survivors. With their inevitable death my force morale plummeted and I decided once again to cede the field.

A brutal experience for the one American squad.
I'd forgotten (if I'd ever really learned) that the important thing with the US troops is to keep them moving and mobile and try and get doubled up on the Germans. In a straight firefight MG42s mean the Yanks are always out gunned, so getting two squads firing at one is the best course of action.
Sitting in a house whilst a full German squad and supporting Stug pours fire into you is only ever going to end badly.
I think I also got a bit obsessed by the Stug and the idea of blowing it up with the bazooka.

Unsurprisingly my commanding officer and my men's opinion of me has fallen through the floor. I'm know as "the Butcher" and my men would like to see the back of me.
Not sure if i can pull off a comeback as the rampant Germans continue their ferocious fightback.

Anyway, a great game as always with CoC and General B.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, I need to whip the team here into a Chain of Command campaign, not like I don't have everything painted and ready to go.
