
Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Orcs v Empire 2k points Warhammer

Another game of Proper Warhammer as the Four Powers intended.
Round to Stephen's for a Sunday morning 2,000 point game.
Booze free, but fortified with grilled pork products, Stephen had decided to take Empire so I forswore my initial choice of Ogres to go for the classic 6th edition boxed set match up of Orcs (plus a few Skull Pass Night Goblins).

We rolled for scenario. Using a D4 so we didn't get the length of the table scenario or the Tower scenario. We got battle line, so a classic game.

Steve had Greatswords

Crossbows and swordsmen.

A Luminark (with Frickin' Lazer beam) on a Steam Tank chassis and a big block of pikemen spearmen. A horde o' pikemen would be filthy.

I had plenty of Orcs and a few weedy grots to make up the numbers.

I used Gorky (or is it Morky?) cunnin' to lure the fearsome fanatics away with spiders.

The lazer on wheels trundled up. I landed a rock lobber shot right on top of it! (by accident. I was aiming at the pikes). It failed to wound.

The big bad Boarboys pushed up the middle.

At about this point Stephen fired the Empire mortar for the second time. It blew up. So he moved on the the cannon. It blew up. How we (I) laughed.

On my next turn I fired the rock lobber. It collapsed in a heap. All three war machines wiped out by misfires on the same turn. Thanks Dice Gods.

The Boarboys charged the Luminark. And did a bit of damage. But it was Leadership 10 with a re-roll. Bugger.

The red Chariot charged home (the black 'un failed - because Red Ones Go Fasta. Fact)

And the giant limbered up to lumber up.

Unfortunately the pike spear block caught the Arrer boys (who had charged forward with a failed animosity test). With a Warrior Priest and a Standard bearer and fighting in loadsa ranks there was only ever likely to be one winner.

The Boarboys now had Greatswords to deal with too. They couldn't.

Gruzzkupp, rather unwisely it turned out, decided to have a pop at the pikeys spear-ys

He fled and the spearmen caught the Arrer boys again.

To everyone's surprise the Chariot hung around for a few rounds of combat. Whilst the giant decided to lend  hand.

The boars fled, rallied, then got a Luminark all up inside their grill.

The giant fell to double handed swords, the chariot was chopped up and the swordsmen pursued into the Night Goblins (and rather surprisingly beat them and ran them off).

In backfield the boarboys managed to chase off the Luminark, panic the reGatswords, then catch and kill them all!

However it was all over bar the shouting. Just a couple of boarboys and a smattering of spiders were all that was left of the greenskin force and Nordland was safe once more!

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