
Monday, 13 May 2019

OGAM Celts of a Different Sort

Nice Mr Nick at Northstar recently re-released these rather splendid old Celts. They were designed for a Slaine game that never saw the light of day and originally released by Fantasy Forge in the 1990s.

James had a bunch of them from the original release and I'd wanted to get a few ever since I saw them and so I grabbed several at a bargain price when Northstar first released them.

Surprisingly I've actually cracked on and painted a few reasonably quickly and here they are.

They're lovely sculpts, nice and crisp and simple but with plenty of character. They show the mould making limitations of the time in that they're all a bit "flat" but I rather like that.

I'm aiming to end up with 24 infantry (3x8 for OGAM, 2x12 for Dragon Rampant) with six skirmishing archers and a pack of hounds with a couple of characters.
Small but perfectly formed.

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