
Friday, 18 January 2019

Ork Campaign Game One

The Sherwood Hucknall and Ilkeston Team have embarked on a 40K Campaign.
It is a campaign what i wrote.
I used the matrix campaign idea from the 40K rulebook re-written with scenarios either from the book or from Chapter Approved 2017 that work with three players (as some of the narrative ones from the original matrix don't).

Before Game One we built a world (or part of one) to fight over.


Steve helpfully pointed out that I could have made the map beforehand. And it was the wrong colour for the matt selected by General B. Thanks Stephen.
Difficult to make out on this image but we each began with four hexes (mine have red flags, Steve's are yellow and General B. has black flags - which allowed Steve and I to make Henry Rollins jokes) and there are three empty hexes.

Then we set up for the Patrol scenario from the rulebook.

 Da Mighty Klan Gruzzkupp
 ...and again

 Da Ginganutz Klan

 Ballruum'z Boyz

The game began with Klan Ginganutz pouring fire onto the hapless Ballruum Klan. While my Gruzzkup Klan ran up the length of the board. Well, at least the members of the Klan that could be bothered to show up did.

 Gruzzkupp leads da way

 Ginganutz ladz in da buildinz

The Ballruum Klan attempted to take the fight to the Bad Moons but were taking heavy casulaties (despite a Big Mek and his force field)

However eventually fightin' broke out in the middle. The shooting dice that had so favoured the Ginganutz Klan last week rather deserted them and the Evil Suns of Klan Ballruum chopped them up good and proper.

However Ginganutz had isolated the 'Ard Boys and took out grim revenge.

At this point both Steve and General B had begun racking up the points for killing one another while I was still footslogging up the pitch.

Geberal B then produced a stratagem and the CPs to use it that meant his battered boys pulled back - and then returned to the fray AT FULL STRENGTH!

However in his glee to pull back Gen. B. forgot about his Mek...

...and even his forcefield couldn't help him.

Finally some of the Gruzzkupp Klan saw some action. Sadly it was action with a big metallic behemoth.

And the rejuvenated lads of Klan Ballruum turned their attention my way...

Fortunately Gruzzkupp was able to sort out the Dredd

But at the cost of rather exposing himself.

Warboss Ballruum duly arrived to hand it out.

My Kans had Klanked up to the roadway and, rather to all our surprise, survived the assault of a boys mob.

Gruzzkupp, however couldn't survive being on the wrong end of the special power klaw thingy.

This put Ballruum Klan in the winning position. However the Bad Moon Buggery Buggy swept into position and unleashed it's payload all over Warboss Ballruum, killing his lads and snatching victory away!

A good fun game, though I was rather hampered by deployment and reinforcements.

In the post game campaign stuff I lost a hex to the Bad Moons, Klan Ballruum took one of the empty ones and the Ginganutz lads took another empty one. So I now have three hexes, General B has five and Steve has six.

And my warboss took a nasty shot that means he's -1S for all future games. Of course he did.

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