
Wednesday, 16 January 2019

40K Orks on Orks on Orks

The Sherwood Hucknall and Ilkeston Team assembled once more to do battle.
Our battle choices are limited as General Ballroom refuses to play Warhammer and Steve only wants to play Warhammer.
40K is a kind of compromise.

We've all got Orks so we fought with those, cos dats wot Orks do best.

Steve was using Bad Moons. Who are dead shoory in the new Codex.

I had Evil Sunz who are dead fast.

General Ballroom had bought his Mad Max Evil Sunz

I raced forward to grab a building.

Steve and I had plotted before to take the pain to General B as usually he picks on one of us and we can't stop his mega armoured whatnots.

However the new Codex seems to have re-balanced things. Yellow Orks shooting stuff is proper scary.
Dakka dakka dakka.

The Mad Morx Klan rumbled on into a storm of flying lead.

While I sneaked round the side and blew rokkits up their exhausts

Gebneral B decided to try and run over the new buggy thing. This proved unwise. It is a new thing, so of course it is very good.

Meanwhile the yellow lads were wiping out bikers and boys with more an' more dakka.

They did a bit of biffing when strictly necessary.

With their transport destroyed the boys had to attack the new Buggery Buggy

Some Mad Morx boys made it into combat

Before they got dakka-d in the face.

A lone boy was left to challenge the Buggery Buggy

We'd had enough soon after this with the Bad Moons declared the winner.
The yellow team shooting is terrifying. It also makes for quite a long shooting phase. Re-roll ones and sixes and then any sixes from the re-rolled ones.
Still I think Steve enjoys finally having a vaguely competitive shooty Ork army.

We're now about to embark on a campaign.

Stay tuned for thrill a minute Orky Akshun.


  1. Very, very cool looking models, Tom.

    1. Thank you. Though the ones in the pictures are almost all Steve's (yellow ones) and General B.'s (red 'uns)
