
Monday, 28 January 2019

Dwarf Warriors

Almost eight (8!) years ago I painted a Dwarf warrior from the Skull Pass boxed set.
Readers who get irate when they discover that Top Gear sometimes makes up some of the jolly japes that happen on the programme are advised to look away now.
You see gentle reader I didn't paint a single Dwarf Warrior, carefully stopping at each stage to take a picture before moving on to the next stage. Oh no. I started painting five models and did each one to a different stage of completeness. Then I took pictures of the five stages and posted them in an early example of what the Orange Simpleton occupying the White House would describe as "fake news".

Anyway, flushed with Dwarf excitement after the recent game with Steve I went looking in the Dwarf box and discovered the four part-finished models and thought it would be what's known as "a laugh" to finish them off.
So here they are in all their mono pose, stiff armed glory.

You'll notice that almost eight years of languishing, unloved, in a box means that one of them had lost an axe, requiring a replacement.
They are, to be fair, terrible models, but they give me an extra rank so I'll hide them at the back and no-one will care.

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