
Thursday, 21 November 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Daemons v Empire

Alan came around with his newly acquired Daemon army. I elected to take them on with my Empire force.

The actually not all that thin blue and white line stood ready.

Not one, but two (2) (!) (!!) Greater Daemons.

It's a lovely looking army. Filthy, disease ridden and pestilential, but also lovely.


I had knights on both flanks

The left knight brigade pushed up, but halted short of the field.

Because the field had been well planted with the foul spawn of Nurgle.

More gribbly stuff was also pushing up

And still more were befouling the woods. 

Papa Nurgle positioned his Nurglings to catch cannon balls.

The stout folk of Middenland took up position in a field.

The Empire right was slowed a little by their infantry.

The beasts of Nurgle raced from the field and slithered into the knights.

However on the other side the two (2!) Greater Daemons were hampered by poor rolls and a lengthy gallop by the knights of the White Wold caught one, as cannon fire drove off another.

The slug beasts dissolved a great many men in armour.

In order to get off the shots at the Greater Daemon, some creative manoeuvring had taken place.

Still a whole green and brown brigade stood ready.

The daemons in the wood were unable to turn fast enough to help their big bloated buddy.

Knights slimed out of existence, the Beasts slithered into the infantry.

The White Wolves were doing great work mopping up Greater Daemons.

As the Beasts slimed on...

At around this point we ran out of time. Although the Empire was doing well in terms of break point we were playing an objectives scenario from the book and the Nurglists managed to grab control of enough on the final turn to tip the game in their favour.

Great fun game. I was glad Alan struggled with command for his two (2!) Greater Daemons, as I think they'd have caused me real problems, Interesting to watch him try and work out how to use the Daemons, I've found they can be a bit tricky to use and he was having a few issues. No doubt he'll have worked all that out the next time we play!

A few random phone pictures:

And for all you youngsters out there, here's the video version:

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