
Sunday, 24 November 2024

Warhammer 40,000 Orks v Black Templars

The Gaming Heir returned for what he claimed was a "reading week" but felt more like a "sleeping, eating all my food and using all my electricity week" from where I was standing. To my surprise (and secret delight) he suggested having a game. He wanted to play 40K and despite my attempts to suggest something else (Frostgrave, Midgard, just about anything really) he was adamant.

And so we found the latest versions of the rules on the GW site, along  with some army lists that I downloaded when this edition came out (I think they've been replaced multiple times since then) and we went at it.

I had a couple of big boys mobs - weirdly the rules seemed to suggest that having ten boys, was the same cost as having 20, so why would you not have anything other than twenty I wondered idly to myself).

They went razzing (technical term) across the board toward the Templars.

Meanwhile my Boss, his Nobs and the venerable Deff Dread Klankenstein* runbled up on my left.

I also had the Kill-o-Zapp gun (possibly not actual name)

The Lootaz occupied a bunker and sprayed shot about wildly.

High Marshall Helbrecht lead some Templar blokes up.

Followed by a Chaplain with some jump pack marines, who seem to have vanished from later versions of the rules or something.

We were after objectives and I grabbed a couple early on.

Hand to hand fighting, 40K style broke out.

It looks very silly,  involves rolling vast amounts of dice, calculating endless modifiers and then taking off two models.

The Emperor's champion ended up guarding an objective and waving his sword about as if compensating for something.

The Nobs took a lot of shooting in the face, but the Warboss and Klankenstein rumbled on.

As the battle ended we'd both scored the same number of VPs for holding  objectives and so it was a draw!

It was good to get the toys out, I like how my Orks (and the Templars) look. And it was good to get a game in with the Gaming Heir. 40K remains a pretty silly proposition mostly.

*Actually Klankenstein is the name of the Big Mek who built this particular Deff Dread, not the Deff Dread itself

1 comment:

  1. 40K is very silly but if you embrace that and spend most of the time admiring each other's paint jobs it isn't too bad. Well done.
