
Tuesday, 26 November 2024

More 40K Templars v. Orks

The Gaming Heir declared himself ready for a second game and so we set up again. I thought about redoing my army but decided that was more effort than I was prepared to make.

The Greenskins bunched up

Templars dropped from the sky behind my lines aiming to deal with the Lootaz.

After the first game the GH had complained about Orks being a bit [powerful in close combat. I advised him that even though BT were geared for combat, maybe thinning out the greenies before they got into toe-to-toe range would be a good plan.
Annoyingly he took this to heart and blasted many things, including the Killa Kans.

Meanwhile the CC BT Jump marines got stick in to the very much not CC Lootaz.

Buzzz, whirrr, squelch!

It wasn't all going the way of the servants of the Emperor. Power Klaws are still a good way to open up a Dread.

However Helbrecht and crew were making mincemeat of the ladz.

And the arrival of the jump marines only made things worse for the Orks.

As they were chopped down and killed.

Victory for the Emperor.

Fun times with a silly game.

Monday, 25 November 2024

29 Let's Go Campaign: Flanking St Germain-Du-Pert

 We decided to move on from the previous board - deciding that another American attack with even more support would only result in a pretty much immediate withdrawal by the Germans.

And so the Americans find their flank threatened by the presence of Germans in nearby St Germain-du-Pret and a new force is dispatched to deal with them.

A peaceful French hamlet in June '44

Soon khaki clad figures are rushing to the hedgerows.

And a clanking sound indicates the arrival of tanks.

No Germans to be seen as yet.

It's all too quiet...

A clanking and rattling indicates the arrival of German tank hunters.

American bazooka team seeks an early victory.

But the shot flies wide and the Marder rumbles forward.

Poking its gun into the village.

Infantry emerge from nearby

And the rattle of MG42 fire sees the swift demise of the brave bazooka team.

Americans in the hedgerow are attracting fire from the church tower

As the Marder trundles ever closer.

The Sherman is distracted by the sudden appearance of a Panzershreck team

HE and MG fire hammer the wall of the church, but German rockets continue to fire back.

It is the troops in the tower who get the kill, a Panzerfaust from the rooftop claiming the Sherman.

The Marder has taken some fire too, but remains active.

And the troops in the hedgerow see their casualties mount.

At this point we called a halt - the Americans are once again in trouble, but not entirely out of the fight.

To be continued...

Sunday, 24 November 2024

Warhammer 40,000 Orks v Black Templars

The Gaming Heir returned for what he claimed was a "reading week" but felt more like a "sleeping, eating all my food and using all my electricity week" from where I was standing. To my surprise (and secret delight) he suggested having a game. He wanted to play 40K and despite my attempts to suggest something else (Frostgrave, Midgard, just about anything really) he was adamant.

And so we found the latest versions of the rules on the GW site, along  with some army lists that I downloaded when this edition came out (I think they've been replaced multiple times since then) and we went at it.

I had a couple of big boys mobs - weirdly the rules seemed to suggest that having ten boys, was the same cost as having 20, so why would you not have anything other than twenty I wondered idly to myself).

They went razzing (technical term) across the board toward the Templars.

Meanwhile my Boss, his Nobs and the venerable Deff Dread Klankenstein* runbled up on my left.

I also had the Kill-o-Zapp gun (possibly not actual name)

The Lootaz occupied a bunker and sprayed shot about wildly.

High Marshall Helbrecht lead some Templar blokes up.

Followed by a Chaplain with some jump pack marines, who seem to have vanished from later versions of the rules or something.

We were after objectives and I grabbed a couple early on.

Hand to hand fighting, 40K style broke out.

It looks very silly,  involves rolling vast amounts of dice, calculating endless modifiers and then taking off two models.

The Emperor's champion ended up guarding an objective and waving his sword about as if compensating for something.

The Nobs took a lot of shooting in the face, but the Warboss and Klankenstein rumbled on.

As the battle ended we'd both scored the same number of VPs for holding  objectives and so it was a draw!

It was good to get the toys out, I like how my Orks (and the Templars) look. And it was good to get a game in with the Gaming Heir. 40K remains a pretty silly proposition mostly.

*Actually Klankenstein is the name of the Big Mek who built this particular Deff Dread, not the Deff Dread itself

Friday, 22 November 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Clash of Chaos

 Matt kindly agreed to helping me with my Warmaster addiction with another game. He fancied using the Chaos Warriors so I opted for the Daemons. At some point I'd like to put together terrain for a "Chaos Wastes" table for Warmaster, twisted multi-coloured trees, temples, warped landscapes and the like - but that's a project for another day so instead the disparate forces of Chaos would fight in a quiet corner of the Empire.

The multi-hued horde emerges from the ether.

*insert sound effect and weird smell*

All the colours of the (Daemonic) rainbow.

The small but perfectly formed Chaos army.

The Daemons wasted no time in razzing (technical term) forward.

With cavalry patrolling the flank

Khorne's lads had the other side covered.

Two (2) units of Slug Beasts.

The Chaos Dragon led the dogs forward.

Bi block of knights holding the centre.


Slugs versus Knights, the ancient enmity.

The Daemon troops took up defensive positions on and around the wood.

Annoyingly harpies descended to the rear.

A harpie's eye view of events.

The Slugs and Knights each found the other difficult to digest.

The Daemon flyers got duffed up by Marauders.

The Chaos hounds headed for the woods.

Dragon lad decided to tip the scales in the Knights' favour.

And soon the field was a Slug Free Zone.

Khorne's lads decided to go give the dogs a good shoeing.

Ominously the Dragon Ogres were moving up.

The Daemon hordes stood watching.

As the Chaos infantry also stalled.

The Daemons dealt with the dogs, but found the spawn altogether chewier.

More Chaos crashed home.

Still they watch and wait.

Khorne Dogs go in.

Finally the cavalry hits home.

At last the Daemon hordes move up.

But are met and butchered by overwhelming force

And with that the Daemonic host flickers out of existence.

Blimey Chaos is tough! Daemons are pretty fighty, but the Warriors have the edge. I forget how the command limitations of taking Wizards as commanders can hamper the Daemons too.

Great game though and it all looks very pretty.