
Sunday, 1 September 2024

Midgard - Battle of Tumhalad

As the release of Midgard inches ever closer James is busy pulling together material to support the launch. He's currently writing an article for one of the Wargame Magazines that centres on the Battle of Tumhalad that he staged at Partizan in May. To help with the write up we played a version of the game with slightly smaller forces on my table in the Sherwood Soldier Shack.

The background and full explanation can be found on James blog here.

James took command of the Elves and Martin and I sold our cold dark souls to Morgoth.

Glaurung commands the centre of the Orcish hosts.

Martin's newly based Orcs were on the right flank.

Elves hold a hill in the centre - if they can survive for six turns they can claim a victory.

Orcs pour out of the forest on the left.

Gwindor's force is smaller and surrounded.

As might be expected the Orcs (and trolls) simply surge forward.

Glaurung gives the elves the old Fiery Breath treatment.

Turning one into molten marshmallow.

The left flank struggled to get going.

Brave, or possibly foolhardy Warg riders placed themselves in front of the elf archers.

Elf light cavalry seized the opportunity to advance and harry the attackers.

As the rest of the force fanned out on the hilltop.

But the exchanges of bowfire could not last long and the Orcs began to attack.

Glaurung got up close and toasted more elves.

The Orc attack was going in a bit piecemeal.

Gwindor, perhaps unwisely led some archers on the offensive.

Glaurung's grim roasting continued.

But the mighty dragon was outstripping his support.

The light cavalry was proving a nuisance on the left flank.

And the initial Orc assault on the hill was thrown back.

Flames over it was time for Glaurung to get busy with tooth and claw.

The tragic hero Turin chose this moment to roll the dreaded Raven and he was wounded by the mighty drake.

Finally the Trolls made it to the front line.

The Elves were under heavy pressure now as Galurug punched through the centre.

But the Orc right was slowed by the annoying light cavalry.

Glaurung had smashed the elf centre apart, but at what cost?

The Orc trap is closing, but can the elves hold on?

Still more Orcs to come.

On the hill a desperate counter-charge by the elf reserve cavalry catches the dragon in the flank.

Glaurung's troops are too far away to provide much aid.

The elf lances strike home.

Glaurung roars his defiance.

But to no avail, the mighty beast is cut down.

And the top of the hill is once again in elven hands.

More significantly the Orc reputation goblet is empty!

Finally the wargs catch and crush the elf light cavalry.

And on the left the Trolls wreak havoc.

However it is too little, too late - with their reputation all gone the Orc host gives way and leaves the field of battle to the elves.

A great game that felt like it was going the Orcs way right up until Galurung overreached himself and was cut down.

Looking forward to seeing the details of the battle in the magazine later in the year.


  1. It seems incredible that this is a scaled down version as there are still so many troops. It's good to see this "Age" on the battlefield. Are the figures all from one source. I am looking forward to the release of these rules and this piece has heightened the anticipation. A tragic victory for the elves seems in keeping with the writings of Tolkien.

    1. ""scaled down" in the sense of smaller than the version played earlier in the year at Partizan. I think the forces were at least 50% larger than for a normal Midgard game. A usual Midgard army is in the range of 10-12 units/bases.
      Most of the figures are from the Oathmark range - with quite a few conversions.
