
Saturday, 20 July 2024

Chain of Command Normandy

General B and I are planning to play the 29 Let's Go! campaign for Chain of Command from Too Fat Lardies. We played a number of games some years ago that formed an imaginary campaign, but we're now keen to give  a Pint Sized Campaign a go (and we have pretty much all the models we need for this one.

However it's a fair old while since either of us played, so we decided on a bit of a refamiliarisation exercise. A simple village street in Normandy in June'44 where two patrols clash.

I didn't take many pictures as Chain of Command can be quite taxing on the old brain, but here they are

The quiet village of Mêmenom  in early June 1944

The peace is about to be shattered

American infantry begin to deploy near one of the houses.

With one house occupied and under pressure from the German MG42s a cigar chomping, tommy gun toting guy arrives to take control.

B Company makes a dash for it, but find themselves coming up short with MG42s locked and loaded.

Meanwhile C company has deployed late to the party and is in the woods.

The Germans have some serious firepower.

So C Company aims to shut it down (and claim the nearby JOP too if possible.

Shortly after this the Germans launched an assault without really having inflicted much damage on B Co. Poor rolls from General B. and better than average from me saw the attackers broken, a team wiped out and a Junior Leader rout from the board. Resulting in a catastrophic collapse in German morale and a rather undeserved win for Uncle Sam's boys.

Not a terribly exciting or well played game by either of us, but it blew some cobwebs away and reminded us of things like covering fire and the dangers of assaults.

Need to paint up some engineers and maybe another Sherman and then we're all good to go!


  1. Nice looking battle…..and I quite enjoy CoC as a change giving a very different game to my normal bolt action

    1. I'm not a fan of BA myself but I do really enjoy CoC. CoC is really quite taxing on the old grey matter though and not a "quick" game. We called this after two hours but I expect when we get to the campaign we'll have to spread games over a couple of sessions.
