
Wednesday, 5 June 2024

Warmaster Revolution: Lizardmen v Daemons

Last year ahead of Wormaster I was put in touch with Andy on the Facebook group as a potential local Warmaster opponent. We exchanged a few messages but he had a lot going on at the time and in the end didn't make it to Wormaster and we never got any games arranged. Fast forward 12 months and we reintroduced ourselves in person at Wormaster 4. He then introduced me on Fb to Alan and a plan was hatched for some gaming at the Sherwood Soldier Shack. As it turned out Andy couldn't make it, so Alan and I got together for a game, never having previously met (though we'd both been at Wormaster and I'd even taken a picture or two of his army!

Alan bought his Lizardmen and so I left the jungle terrain out from the Warhammer game and threw down the Daemons. Lizards is a new army to me, though I possibly played them at the old WPS GT at Harvey Haddon stadium about twenty years ago. Maybe. Anyway they've been tweaked and changed since then, so I watched one of the excellent YouTube videos by Ian M Standing (who co-organises Wormaster) all about Lizardmen and was none the wiser really about what I'd do!

My left flank pushed up into the ruins.

The Slugmonsters led the way.

My right flank was all Angry and Red

I left the flyers behind (I'm not sure I know what to do with flyers)

The Slugmonsters filled a gap.

Al-Ann the Slaan surveyed his cold blooded minions.

The Lizard left was held with fearsome cold ones and an even more fearsome fellah on a Big Dino!

Alan was trying something cunning with Kroxigor deployed so as not to give support.

At the end of turn one or so.

The Redmen held the hill.

The other hordes began to vacate the ruins.

Excitable Angry Red Dogs raced home, but left a worrying flank open to the Cold Ones.

Some Lizards were munched but the dogs were left hanging a bit.

The Slugmonsters slowly slithered forward.

The air cavalry hit the dogs to help out their bigger brethren.

My left was a bit stalled. Wizard command radius is less than ideal for moving cavalry.

The dogs were dealt with, all four units, by a combination of flyers and Cold Ones.

But the Angry Red Men were in a solid position.

On came the slugs and hordes.

Eventually the Slugs crashed home. 35 attacks? oh yes please!

Foul shooting and magic cause the Daemons on the hill to become confused.

Most of the Cold One Brigade was struggling to get moving.

The Slugmonsters munched while their Horde-mates looked on.

Terradons had a pop at the Daemons on the hill, but were sent packing.

The Slugmonsters were making a slimy mess of the Lizard centre.

The Angry Red Daemons charged off the hill (because that's what Angry Red Daemons do) and gave the skinks and Kroxigor a bloody nose but were in turn assailed by the Cold Ones.

The Terradons once more attacked on the hill, but this time waited for the frontal assault of the Cold Ones to ensure destruction.

The Slugmonsters ploughed on, dissolving all in their path, but the hordes had no-one to fight.

Cold Ones caught the Slugmonsters from behind.

If the Lizards could win these combats the game would be up for the Daemons.

In the end it was the Terradons that got the decisive strike, swooping from the hill to slaughter the cavalry.

The hordes remained untouched but their grip on the material world was severed.

We never got to fight this final combat - just as well perhaps as lucky Daemon dice could have pushed the result the other way!

A great fun game and Alan was a great opponent. We took our time and chatted things through as we went and gave each other advice from time to time.

I've still not really got a handle on the Daemons - I think I *may* need another character to help shift the cavalry along a bit, but I always value bodies over commanders. Plus I think the points on the flyers are wasted as I never manage to get any use out of them. I need to paint a few more units and experiment with different builds.

Hoping to get plenty more games in the future with Andy and Alan.

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