
Friday 17 May 2024

Wormaster 2024 - Warmaster event other pictures

I took several other pictures at Wormaster - not all of the best quality, but here they are.

A huge horde of Terracotta warriors

The Wood Elves I went on to play in game two

More of the Cathay army.

Love to see the Hydra - might be my favourite OG GW WM model.

Plenty of CoK

Big old scrum with Orcs against Dogs of War.

Flamin' Daemons

Lizards against Dark Elvis

More Dark Elvis - possibly fighting Norse.

More of the same.

The prizes (sadly the Worcester Sauce slipped through my grasp this year). The bowls contain special cards we used during the scenarios.

The wooden spoon!

Top table in the last round.

The hall of dreams.

It's a lovely light and airy venue.

Dark Elves and I can't tell what. Tomb Kings?

The desolate frozen wastes of Far Cathay (no, no idea what's playing - Vampires?)

Steamy Jungle (no, search me)


Looks like Lizards and Dark Elves. Possibly.

More of the above.

Back to not knowing. Lovely scenery, though!

As the day draws to a close.

Wormaster was a brilliant day out - really well organised, great opponents, fab venue. Exactly how wargaming should be.

I overheard a couple of the veterans discussing how, only a few years ago, they were playing Warmaster events that only seven people would come to. This one sold out in no time with 28 attendees and plenty on the waiting list. Great to see the renaissance of the great Warmaster system.

If my HTML skillz work - below should be a video report from event organiser Iain - well worth a watch.

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