
Sunday, 5 May 2024

Warmaster Revolution - Empire v Daemons 2,000 points

Wormaster (a Warmaster tournament in Worcester) is just around the corner and I've not played many games recently so Matt kindly agreed to help me remember how the game works - a wor-m up if you will (sorry, not sorry).

We set up simply and quickly, ignoring the scouting phase and just played a straight 2,000 point pitched battle.

I pushed up with the big monsters in the middle.

My left flank was all red and Kohrney

Whilst Slaanesh cavalry held the flank (observant folks will notice some Marauders subbing in for the last unit still on the paint table)

The Empire had a big infantry bock holding the middle, flanked by cannon.

Lots of knights and a steam tank. Matt asked "Why would anyone take a steam tank?" to which the answer is "Look at how cool it looks. Poop, poop!"

The Monsters thumped home in the middle and are plenty of halberds.

The knights however were scaring the Hordes.

Even the Khorne hordes were queuing up to get stuck in.

Eventually the knights thumped home.

One block of knights was hurled back.

And then was another, but at the cost of a horde.

The monsters had mangled the Empire infantry but at some cost.

Fanatics versus Beasts of Nurgle - the classic match up.

The Knights managed to get in on the flank of some Khorne Daemons.

A unit of knights was caught by the hordes whilst the chaos cavalry finally got in on the action.

As I said, a classic match up.

Although the knights were pushing the Khorne forces back the Knights in the centre were driven back in to the screamers to their doom and with the the Empire were broken.

Victory to the Daemonic Legions.

A good fun game that see-sawed a bit. I've still not really got the hang of how to use the Daemons, but they look cool, so very much looking forward to Wormaster

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