
Thursday, 30 May 2024

Kallistra Escarpments

I bought one set of these a few years ago from Kallistra for use in my NWF games - so far only one of the hills has been finished. Then Scrivs gifted me a second set when he returned stateside (I think they'd been on holiday to the US once and he didn't want to take them back again needlessly). After Wormaster it occurred to me that they'd be great for my Naggarond/Northern Old World terrain so I set to painting them up for just such a thing (and they'll also work for any other games on my grassy mats).

Medium hill on the right, small one on the left - the set also includes a large version but that's still awaiting sealing. They're made from thick plastic and at £10 for three they're a bargain.

This is the medium sized hill.

And this the small one.

With 28mm Pict for scale.

Simple sand, paint with tester pots and static grass approach. I broke up the grass on the larger one with some coarse turf. Getting the sand to stick and trying to seal it with PVA was a pain in the posterior but got there in the end.